Your Pet’s Home for the Holidays


Your tickets are booked, the bags are packed, and your hotel check-in can’t come soon enough! When planning a holiday, there are many things to keep in mind. When you own a pet, this can seem like an added hassle. We all love our furry friends and want to make sure they’re getting a good experience, too!

Boarding and Beds

Many and more places are now offering overnight stays for your favorite animal. Some of these range from a basic stay to a luxurious experience for your cat or dog. Luckily, there are some great dog boarding spots in Sydney so you can travel with peace of mind that your animal is being cared for and loved. Nearly all places will offer a private room, a spacious area to run, and a staff of professionals to look after your pet. Some will offer extra perks, such as:

  • Video or photos of your pet sent to you.
  • Professional grooming
  • Extra running areas
  • A live stream so you can check in whenever you want

If you want to spoil your dog while you’re away, look for these benefits so you know that your cuddly family member is also happy while you’re gone.

Personal Pet Sitters

If you want to pamper your pet, but you don’t want the clinical feel of a hotel, consider a pet sitter during this time. A pet sitter can give your animal all of the love and care of a hotel, but without the added expense that sometimes comes with these places. There are plenty of websites that hire professionals to watch over and care for your animal. Usually, there are two ways that these kinds of services work.

The first way is to board your pet. This kind of service means you bring your pet to someone’s house. Meet with them beforehand in person to see how you feel about this. This way, you can leave your pet in the personal care of another, knowing that they are in good hands. This is a great option if you have a pet that needs more constant care or attention as they will be with your animal most of the day.

The second way is housesitting or drop-in visits. This involves the sitter coming to your house directly, either to housesit and stay overnight with your pet, or check in once or twice a day to give your pet food, water, and attention. This is a good option if you have a pet that does not need as much contact time or requires little maintenance.

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